
Addressing Healthcare-Acquired Infections


The infographic below highlights the risk patients face for healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) during their time in healthcare facilities. It acknowledges that transmission of these bacteria can occur through various sources. To mitigate the spread of contagions, the content emphasizes that hospital staff members should follow strict hand hygiene practices. Other recommended best practices include correctly wearing personal protective equipment, abiding by isolation protocols, observing safe injection practices, using antibiotics wisely, and being mindful of patients at elevated risk.

At an organizational level, addressing HAIs involves adhering to the latest reprocessing guidelines and equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. This ensures that medical devices, surgical equipment, and other care essentials comply with standard sterilization techniques. The content further mentions measures such as stringent cleaning policies for lesser-known reservoirs of pathogens throughout the facility, including ice machines, sink drains, and frequently touched textile surfaces.

The content encourages readers to explore the accompanying resource for more information on HAIs and the importance of proper cleaning practices in healthcare facilities.

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The Importance of Cleaning Equipment in Healthcare Facilities from Empire Cooler, a provider of ice machine services

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