much does it cost for laser

How much does it cost for laser tattoo removal in NY ?



Tattoos are a form of body modification that many people take great pride in. For instance, henna tattoos are used for cultural or religious purposes, or as decoration at parties. Newer tattoos may be more of a “fashion statement” than anything else.

Regardless of their original intent and the reasons for which you got them, if you decide to get laser tattoo removal price NY in the end it can cost an estimated $10-20 per square inch on your tattooed area since laser treatments can be lengthy and expensive procedures.

Home Remedies to Remove Tattoos

There are many home remedy methods that people use to remove tattoos, such as: chemicals, creams, and ointments, boiling water and other mix-up procedures. However the process of tattoo removal doesn’t work 100% of the time and can cause some unwanted side effects. Before deciding on getting tattoo removal in NY you really need to consider what side effects might occur if you decide to go for it. If you’re considering doing it yourself, it is suggested that you choose less sensitive areas for testing. For example, if you have a large tattoo which needs removing, you can attempt to remove it from the ankle or shoulder area.


Electrocautery has been around for decades, but only recently been used to remove tattoos. It is used by dermatologists in their clinics. It works by burning off the top layer of skin surrounding the tattoo with an electric current. The burn scar then fades away like any other scar would over time and with proper care by your dermatologist.


Iontherapy is a newer way of tattoo removal, but is also used by dermatologists. It uses a laser beam to burn off the pigment and tissue. As with Electrocautery, it can cause scarring which usually fades over time with proper care from your dermatologist.

Laser Tattoo Removal in NY : Experts in Tattoo Removal

Extensive research has shown that the laser tattoo removal benefits outshine all other methods and methods of tattoo removal available today. There are several types of laser treatments available for those who have tattoos that need removing.

Laser Tattoo Removal- Q-switched Nd:YAG

The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is a popular laser in laser tattoo removal. This laser works by heating up the ink in your tattoo and killing off the cells that make up your skin. These treatments will leave you with a large scab over the area of the ink, but it is all part of the healing process. The scabs should drop off after three to five days, leaving behind fresh new skin without any signs of what used to be a tattoo.

Q-switched Ruby Laser

The ruby laser is another type of laser that is used in the removal process of tattoos. It works by sending a beam of light into the ink and killing the cells that make up your skin. The process is similar to the Nd:YAG laser, but instead of a scab, there is some bleeding. The bleeding will stop within a couple of hours after treatment.

Tattoo removal in NY is an expensive and lengthy procedure that may not always be worth it in the end. Before you decide on getting tattoo removal in NY , you really need to give it some thought. Think about whether or not you may want to keep your tattoo, whether or not you’re going to become embarrassed by it as time goes on and if you’re willing to put up with the pain involved when removing it.


Laser tattoo removal can be a painful, lengthy and expensive process, but is well worth it in the end. If you choose to get tattoo removal in NY you should consider whether or not the process is completely necessary or if you’re willing to put up with the temporary side effects that may occur. It’s your body and your choice so make sure that you do your research before making any final decisions.

Extensive research has shown that laser tattoo removal benefits outshine all other methods of removing unwanted tattoos. With laser tattoo removal, there are several types of lasers that are used depending on the color of ink in your tattoo.

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